My Final Blog Post for School

Welcome to my blog. It was created in order to complete projects for my school, and to illustrate a working knowledge in new technical concepts. You can browse through my previous blogs to see my progress.

This post will detail some of the things I learned during the course of this class. Let’s begin.

The first thing I learned about was HTML coding. I learned the ins and outs of developing a webpage using it. For example, I was taught how to embed videos and graphics. The code you use to embed an adorable Nyan Charizard into your webpage looks like this:

a href=””> nyan pokemon.

NOTE: There should be an open bracket at the beginning of this code and a closed one at the end, but if I had included them then the code would have become hidden from you, the reader. Instead, you would see this hyperlink:

nyan pokemon.

Click on it to be redirected to the awesome Nyan Charizard. (Go ahead! You know you want to!)

Other things I learned about HTML code include the ability to change the background color of my page, and the color, font and size of my text. Additionally, I learned how to embed music from SoundCloud. (I’d share that information with you now, but then I’d have to kill you!)

I CAN share this with you, though, if you want to align your text on the right side of the page (or ragged left if you like to talk fancy pants) you use divs.

Important information when working with HTML code:

  • Remember to close your tabs… just like turning off a light switch when you leave a room.

Tags use brackets. This is an example of a tag that indicates the start of a paragraph:open bracket, the letter p, closed bracket. (Again, if I typed the actual code then you, the reader, wouldn’t get to see it. Just remember to use the indicated symbols rather than the written phrase. Also, the commas were added for separation purposes so omit them from your code too.)

To indicate the end of the paragraph and close the code you type this tag: open bracket, forward slash, the letter p, closed bracket.

It is very important to keep your code neat and tidy, and to close your tags. Broken code is frustrating. Don’t break your code!

  • Remember to include a statement. I worked in HTML 5 so I would begin my code like this: open bracket, !DOCTYPE html, closed bracket.

The amount of valuable information I learned about HTML code is beyond the scope of this blog… only people who have read my coursework will get that joke. You know who you are.

Moving on…

WORDPRESS- it’s more than a blog! It’s a valuable marketing tool. It allows you to create and publish webpages. This site is completely customizable. I learned how to change my theme, header, color scheme, and font. To do this, access your dashboard.

Another benefit of WordPress is the ability to catalog your entries using tags. This helps people to find you and learn about your services. Then, if people like what they see, they can use Real Simple Syndication to keep up-to-date with your blog postings. Sure, I could have just said RSS, but keeping it real simple seemed real boring.

You can customize and embed widgets into your WordPress webpages. You can also add video or audio files. But that’s not all!

Creating new blog posts couldn’t be easier! You can log into WordPress and create a new post directly from your account homepage. Another way you can create a blog post is through your email. That’s right! Through your email! But if you don’t have access to a computer, you can also record a blog and upload it via phone. Talk about versatility!

Overall, WordPress is pretty cool, easy to use, and great for business.

Vocabulary terms I became familiar with this semester include:

  • SEO (or search engine optimization) which is important if you want to be at the top of the return for a Google search query
  • Traceroute (or tracert in DOS) which is a command prompt. To initiate a traceroute, hit your windows key and enter cmd (short for command). A black box with a blinking cursor will open up. Type traceroute and press enter, and VOILA! You just did some stuff. Way to go. You can track Google to its source this way.
  • Freemium- this is when a product is available for free, but if you want all the bells and whistles, you have to buy the upgraded version, #CANDY CRUSH!
  • Shortcode- this is great for Twitter, where there is a character limit, because it is condensed.
  • E-commerce: think eBay or any other online source for purchasing. If you live in Italy and purchase your car via Amazon next year, you just engaged in e-commerce.

I could share about 6 more months of curriculum with you, but since my mom and dad paid for me to learn all that, I don’t really think it would be fair for me to give it away for free. If you want to learn more, sign up with Alpha Omega. (See what I did there? I just showed you how crappy it feels to discover a version of an app was freemium! Teehee!)

Thank you for reading my blog, and discovering some of the things I learned this semester in school! Please leave me a comment below.

16 thoughts on “My Final Blog Post for School

  1. Hello my favorite nephew! There’s a phrase from a movie that says “You had me at hello”. Well you lost me at “HTML”. I knew when you were born the son of my brother that you would be beyond intelligent. I’m so glad I was right. 😋 You’re amazing and I can’t wait to see where your amazing mind takes you. So proud of the young man you are becoming. Well done.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow! I didn’t learn about any of this when I was in school! I don’t even think there were classes like this! Your blog was an exceptional read! It was informative as well as entertaining! Congratulations on graduating to next years classes! I honestly look forward to our educating conversations! (Aka-you teach me things!) Love you cousin! #myfavgenius

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great blog, bud! There is so much potential in building a webpage from the bottom up. It can be anything you wish it to be. Just always remember to be committed to achieving your goal. The rest will just fall into place. Fantastic read!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sounds like the course was money well spent—–enjoyed reading your blog and you learned something—I hope you get a well deserved A+ on your blog!

    Liked by 1 person

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